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newbirth-schwertley.jpgThe New Birth
by Brian Schwertley

Brian Schwertley

schwertley.jpg Rev. Schwertley is a 1984 graduate of Reformed Episcopal Seminary, Philadelphia, PA, with a Master of Divinity. Beginning in 1995 he served as Associate Pastor-elect for Church Planting at the Southfield Reformed Presbyterian Church in Southfield, MI (Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America) and was ordained as Teaching Elder by the Great Lakes-Gulf Presbytery of the RPCNA in 1996. He labored as a church planter in the Reformation Fellowship (RPCNA) Mission Church, Lansing, MI, from 1995-2000. During this time he started several local outreaches: Reformation Campus Ministries (MSU), Reformation Forum Cable TV Program, and Bible studies in East Lansing, Hartland, Ypsilanti, and Grand Rapids. He has been a guest preacher at over a dozen RPCNA and other reformed churches across the country. Pastor Schwertley has also been a featured speaker at The Puritan Project Conference in Brazil in June 2001, Greenville Seminary Worship Conference (Debate on Exclusive Psalmody) in Greenville, SC in March 2003 and RPCUS Family Conference (Establishing a Christian Home) in Bluefield, VA in June 2003 and June 2004 (Christian Self-Control). Pastor Schwertley was received as a teaching elder in the Reformed Presbyterian Church in the United States in January 2001 and was the organizing pastor of Chalcedon Christian Church in Haslett, MI. Rev. Schwertley was installed as the pastor of Covenanted Reformed Presbyterian Church of Manawa in August 2004. The church seceded from the CRPC in January 2006 and is now called Westminster Presbyterian Church of Waupaca County, WI. Rev. Schwertley was a founding member of the Westminister Presbyterian Church in the United States in January 2006, the only indigenous Presbyterian denomination in the United States that has full subscription to the original Westminster Standards.

Brian has authored a number of scholarly books and monographs and has been published in The Christian Statesman, The Homeschool Digest, Semper Reformanda, Chalcedon Report, The Puritan Journal of Brazil, The New Southern Presbyterian Review and The Counsel of Chalcedon. Pastor Schwertley's works have been translated into several languages including Portuguese, German, Italian, Danish and Swedish, and are being used by churches around the world. Brian and his wife Andrea, have been married for 22 years and have five children, all of whom are homeschooled.
