"..Oh, so many sick ones, hurt ones, and young ones need to be
taken care of! How can we come together and praise the Lord 
for our oneness if we are not willing to shepherd the saints? 
Whenever I hear this kind of praise, I wonder about the weak ones
and the young ones and about those who do not come to the meetings. 
I wonder who is taking care of them. There is no need to tell me
how much oneness you have. If you go to the weaker ones and
shepherd them, then your oneness is genuine and practical..."

("All Ages for the Lord's Testimony" by Witness Lee, 
May 1977, page 38 - Living Stream Ministry)

Admonishing the Disorderly Ones
"First Thessalonians 5:14 says, "We entreat you, brothers, admonish the disorderly,
console the fainthearted, uphold the weak, be longsuffering toward all." This verse
describes the church life... If we pay no attention to the disorderly ones among us, God
will send in even more of them to show us that we cannot ignore them..."

Consoling the Little-Souled
"First Thessalinians 5:14 also speaks of the fainthearted or little-souled (Gk.)... What will
you do with them? You cannot neglect them. If you try to avoid them , the Lord will add
many more like them..."

("All Ages for the Lord's Testimony" by Witness Lee, May 1977, pages 46-47 - Living Stream Ministry)

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