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Witness Lee's Emphatic and Prescient Warning to the Elders

"If we are not in the focus and if we do not experience what we preach to others, we face two perils. One, sooner or later there will be divisions. Two, if we don't practice the focal points, the saints have no way to practice them. The things we teach will eventually become doctrines in the Lord's recovery. There will be no reality. The recovery will be just empty. Then in the sphere of the so-called recovery there will be divisions and emptiness... The only thing that can keep the Lord's recovery full of reality is to practice what we now preach and teach and to help the saints in every locality to practice the same thing." "If we expect an increase either by evangelism or by the spreading of the doctrines we teach, we shall surely face these two perils... To care for the spread of our work is dangerous. It will produce different works to build up different ministries. Then division will result. We can foresee this. Furthermore, if we don't pay full attention to practice these things in our daily life and to bring all the saints in our local church into these practices in their daily life, the churches will be empty. I am fearful and trembling of these two perils: the peril of different works being produced to cause division and the peril of emptiness. We will have the ground of one church, one city, and we will have the scriptural teachings, yet there will be no real experience of Christ in our daily life... And if we don't practice the focal things experientially, spontaneously we will fall into the snare of emptiness. We may boast that our teachings are scriptural, that we don't have forms, rituals, or organization. It may be true that we don't have these things, but we don't have the reality either. What we have is just emptiness. This is quite serious, brothers. We have to be alerted to stay in the central lane, practicing all the focal things ourselves daily. We must also be burdened to help the saints in our locality practice these things, to grow in life that they might be genuinely and practically built up in the Trinity."
( Practical Talks to the Elders #4, Pages 62-63, by Witness Lee, on March 14, 1983, in Anaheim CA - Living Stream Ministry)

>>>------------------------------------------> The Purpose of this site: <------------------------------------------<<<

To help facilitate a much needed Reality Check within Church Leadership - (Quote)

>>>----------------> Recommended Remedial Materials - by Arthur Katz <----------------<<<

''What If'' (Are We Deceived?) Intro  Message  Related FTTA Outline  HYMN 426
''True Fellowship'' (Is Our Practice of Fellowship Genuine?) Part A  Part B  Print Version  Larger Font  HYMN 847
NEW--> ''Seek Not the Approval of Man''
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''The Knowledge of the Holy'' Click here
''Attaining to Sonship" (Living Christ unto Sonship and Deification) Click here
''Conversations with Overcomers" (Paul - An Apostolic Paradigm) Click here

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